Monday, October 29, 2012

The very first post

Hi all! 
I don’t know who’ll be reading this, maybe my siblings? Anyway, I’ll keep the blog in English since we as far as I am informed do not have any Danish vegan blogs in English. I am planning on writing something on vegan survival in Copenhagen why writing in English might have some advantages…
So, what’s this blog about? I want it to be a place where I can share some recipes, travelling experiences, articles, and hopefully at some point some thoughts on veganism and economics – mostly macroeconomics, I guess. 
I am by the way planning on writing my bachelors project (some sort of minor’s thesis) on either economic consequences of a vegan diet OR something on world food prices (impacts from harvest, speculation, raised demand for animal products from countries such as China and so on), so if you have an idea, bring it on!

About me
I am 23 years old, allergic to milk fat, vegetarian since I was 17, vegan since I was 20. I became vegan because of environmental and health issues but later on the idea of making animals suffer unnecessarily became just as good a reason to become vegan as any other.
I currently study economics at The University of Copenhagen and I LOVE it. It is super interesting and I get new perspectives all the time. I used to study classical double bass at The Royal Danish Academy of Music, I might write something about that later.

Uhm, ok, now for the first goals for the blog:

  • Get a proper design!
  • Posts on vegan options in Copenhagen – restaurants, cafes, and shops
  •  Posts on some of my vegan travel experiences
  • The usual vegan blog stuff – recipes!

Since English is my second language, corrections are welcome, as well as comments and input in general!

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